
Frequently Asked Questions

Which countries is this programme available in?
Who can I contact if I have any issues or additional questions?
Getting and accepting a quote
What categories do you accept?
Which brands do you accept?
What products and materials do you not accept?
Can I sell a item that I didn’t originally purchase on SELFRIDGES?
Can I sell more than one item?
What can I do if I can't submit my item online?
I’ve submitted my item(s), when will I receive my quote?
Why haven't I received my quote yet?
What happens if I’m not happy with the quote?
How is the price I’m quoted for my item(s) determined?
Will any fees be subtracted from the price that I am quoted?
What happens if I’m not happy with the quote?
How do I accept the quote that you have given me?
Can the original price I’m quoted change after you receive my item?
How long is my quote valid for?
HI've been asked to send more photos - why?
Sending us your item
How do I send my items to RESELFRIDGES? Are there any shipping costs?
Can I drop off my item at Selfridges?
Where will my item be sent for valuation?
I can't find my label of shipping instructions. Can you help?
Can you schedule a pick-up for me?
How will I know the valuation experts have received my item?
Why haven't you received my item yet?
Can I change my pick-up address?
I missed the courier - can I reschedule another pick-up time?
What happens if my item is lost during shipment?
What if I change my mind and decide that I want my item to be returned?
Item verification process
How do you authenticate item(s)?
What happens when you receive my item? How long does the process take?
Why would my item(s) not pass the verification process?
What happens to my item(s) if it doesn’t pass your verification process?
Getting paid
How and when will I be paid?
What is RESELFRIDGES credit and what can I use it for?
I haven't received my RESELFRIDGES credit yet - why?
Can I transfer my RESELFRIDGES credit to family or friends?
How long will my Selfridges eGift card be valid for?